Hey, We Create
IT Product's
Our team has been helping startups and businesses attract and retain customers with quality IT products for several years.
Recent Projects
01. Placeme - Geo Dating App
02. Invest - Online Banking App
03. Lime Delivery -
Food Delivery App
About CODEIN Studio
We are an IT product development studio for businesses and startups. Our developers use high-tech tools to create products of any complexity in the shortest possible time with minimal budget. You no longer need to hire large teams, spend millions of rubles and years on product development.
You can turn to us to solve absolutely any problem associated with the creation of an IT product. It can be creation of a Pitch Deck for an investor or development of a strategy for brand promotion in social networks.
Established Projects
on the team
We Work
At the consultation you tell us about the idea and objectives of the project that need to be solved. You may have an idea or you may just have an idea. We help you draw up the terms of reference.
We create a prototype of the product in Figma, draw the design and show it to you. If you are satisfied, we move on to the next stage.
The process of creating an app starts with the backend and the basic functions of your product. After testing, we bring the design to perfection, test and prepare the product for publication.
You can get a minimal viable version of your product in 14 days
Get a mobile app for Android, iOS, iPad in
14-30 days
Get a website of any complexity, from a landing page to a marketplace at 5-60 days
Get a positioning and promotion strategy for your brand on social media
If you need help with other issues related to the creation or promotion of the product - contact us
Here we have collected some of the sites we created
Websites Cases
Here we have collected some of the mobile apps we created
Mobile Apps Cases
Our Partners
Work With
Our Studio
The average development of a simple product takes from 4-6 months. We will create the same service on no-code in 2-3 weeks, which is 8 times faster
At market prices MVP or ready service will cost from 1-3 million rubles.
No-code development costs 100-500 thousand rubles, which is 10-12 times cheaper
It's very easy to add to the product without the help of the developers.
You can make your own changes in 20-40 minutes
01. Speed
02. Cost
03. Flexibility
  • Andrey / Placeme
    I was looking for a team to develop a dating app. Other studios estimated my project at several million rubles and a deadline of 14 months. I decided to find out the cost at codeinstudio. They did it in three months and 500,000 rubles. I am very happy with the result.
    12 Dec 2021
  • Kate / Healthy
    I was looking for performers to develop my startup, but I had a very limited budget. My friends recommended codeinstudio, so I decided to contact them. The guys did my project in 14 days at a very comfortable price. I am satisfied.
    08 Feb 2021
  • Alex / Invest Bank
    I had an idea, but didn't know where to start creating the product. I saw an advertisement in Instagram codeinstudio and signed up for a consultation. The manager helped me draw up the terms of reference, told me about the advantages of no-code, and I decided to give it a try. I am satisfied with the result of my work.
    20 Jan 2022
  • Pavel / Holding
    We wanted to test the idea for our company. We needed to develop a mobile app for renting meeting rooms at our facilities. We allocated a small budget and were looking for performers. We found out about development without code and found codeinstudio. They made the MVP quickly and with high quality.
    13 Jun 2021
Meet Our Fantastic Team
Product Manager
SMM Manager
Frequently Asked
They can include graphic designer, art director, creative director, animator and entry level production artist.
Don't delay in creating your product
Leave a request and we'll answer all your questions!
TG: @kochnefff