PLACEME is a service based on geolocation and Internet technologies that allows web users to see real-time, updated information about services, companies, people and events around them, within a radius of a few meters to kilometers.
Grocery delivery application in Novosibirsk. Created by the full analogy of the well-known scooter. Implemented user registration, search for products with the ability to filter, by category, cost, popularity and name. Also, the ability to add to favorites, ordering and payment online.
Lime Delivery
We developed a mobile application with a loyalty program for an online retail store of home and family products with the ability to register sellers and buyers. We implemented integration with delivery services and online payment.
E-commerce mobile app
The purpose of this project was to create a redesign of the application and its further development. Live Master is an app for buying unique handmade goods.
Live Master
The task was to develop a functional service for managing finances online. With the ability to carry out currency transactions, movement of finances on accounts, payments and transfers according to the specified details.
Invest Bank
An app was created for long-term rentals. We conducted a competitive analysis, identified the target audience, developed a design and developed a functional app with the ability to book, sign contracts and pay online.
Home rental app
Figma, Adalo
85 hours
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
145 hours
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
85 hours
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
75 hours
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
170 тыс. руб
75 часов
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
175 hours
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
250 hours
This application is designed to deliver fast food to your home. In the cards of dishes the ingredients, caloric content, calories, and FWS are displayed, as well as the ability to select the size of the dish and change the composition of the ingredients. Of course, user registration with online payment and the use of promo codes.
Food To Go
The main goal was to create a mobile app for home yoga classes that would inspire people to practice and immerse themselves in the topic of yoga. A warm interface will help beginners not give up, and an extensive selection of programs will help advanced ones.
My Yoga App
We created an app that helps you take care of your health under the supervision of specialists.
It allows you to make appointments with doctors, track your appointment history, change health indicators and tests, and pay online.
Neo Med
Coffee Bears has decided to expand its network and introduce a pre-order service. Customers can order online and pick it up at the nearest coffee shop in town.
Coffee Bears
55 hours
Figma, Adalo, Zapier
155 hours
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
60 hours
Figma, Adalo, Integromat
50 hours
Figma, Adalo, Integromat
95 hours
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
50 hours
Figma, Bubble
65 hours
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
Every day (before the pandemic), guests were faced with queues, especially during rush hour. It was necessary to come up with a bright and modern solution. We created an app that offered the ability to select the drink, the place, and the time by which the drink should be prepared.
2R Cafe
A service for finding a pet sitter for any length of time. The service takes into account the proximity of the place, the experience of the sitter - the person who will sit with the pet, and the feedback of other clients.
Pet Booking
This product appeared in order to solve the complexity of ordering cleaning services. We have developed an application that allows you to order cleaning services of any complexity at any time.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
250 hours
PLACEME is a service based on geolocation and Internet technologies that allows web users to see real-time, updated information about services, companies, people and events around them, within a radius of a few meters to kilometers.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
75 hours
Lime Delivery – Grocery delivery application in Novosibirsk. Created by the full analogy of the well-known scooter. Implemented user registration, search for products with the ability to filter, by category, cost, popularity and name. Also, the ability to add to favorites, ordering and payment online.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
175 hours
Invest Bank – The task was to develop a functional service for managing finances online. With the ability to carry out currency transactions, movement of finances on accounts, payments and transfers according to the specified details.
Figma, Adalo
85 hours
Live Master – The purpose of this project was to create a redesign of the application and its further development. Live Master is an app for buying unique handmade goods.
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
145 hours
Home rental app – An app was created for long-term rentals. We conducted a competitive analysis, identified the target audience, developed a design and developed a functional app with the ability to book, sign contracts and pay online.
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
85 hours
E-commerce mobile app – We developed a mobile application with a loyalty program for an online retail store of home and family products with the ability to register sellers and buyers. We implemented integration with delivery services and online payment
Figma, Adalo
55 hours
Соседи – We have created an application for quick search for short or long term rentals in a database of verified apartments/homes for profitable joint rentals.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
170 тыс. руб
75 часов
Figma, Adalo, Zapier
55 hours
Coffee Bears – Coffee Bears has decided to expand its network and introduce a pre-order service. Customers can order online and pick it up at the nearest coffee shop in town.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
155 hours
Neo Med – We created an app that helps you take care of your health under the supervision of specialists.
It allows you to make appointments with doctors, track your appointment history, change health indicators and tests, and pay online.
Figma, Adalo, Integromat
60 hours
Food To Go – This application is designed to deliver fast food to your home. In the cards of dishes the ingredients, caloric content, calories, and FWS are displayed, as well as the ability to select the size of the dish and change the composition of the ingredients. Of course, user registration with online payment and the use of promo codes.
Figma, Adalo, Integromat
50 hours
My Yoga App – The main goal was to create a mobile app for home yoga classes that would inspire people to practice and immerse themselves in the topic of yoga. A warm interface will help beginners not give up, and an extensive selection of programs will help advanced ones.
Figma, Bubble
50 hours
Блеск – This product appeared in order to solve the complexity of ordering cleaning services. We have developed an application that allows you to order cleaning services of any complexity at any time.
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
95 hours
Pet Booking – A service for finding a pet sitter for any length of time. The service takes into account the proximity of the place, the experience of the sitter - the person who will sit with the pet, and the feedback of other clients.
Figma, Bubble, Integromat
65 hours
2R Cafe – Every day (before the pandemic), guests were faced with queues, especially during rush hour. It was necessary to come up with a bright and modern solution. We created an app that offered the ability to select the drink, the place, and the time by which the drink should be prepared.
Figma, Bubble, Airtable, Integromat
170 тыс. руб
75 часов
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TG: @kochnefff